Sandra Rzehaczková, DiS.
Sandra graduated in general law from a higher vocational school in Ostrava, and so she is very close to the law. During her studies, she tried to put it into practice by completing professional internships not only in law firms but also in business companies of various specializations.
Besides, Sandra has studied journalism for 4 years in high school, thanks to which she is able to write a news story or an article on any topic in a clear and readable way.
Sandra has been a part of the PURE Legal team since the very beginning. While studying with us, she gained her first legal-administrative experience, which allowed her to put her knowledge into practice right away.
Sandra takes care of all administrative tasks related to running a law firm, is a great help in the insolvency law department, and in her remaining time she prepares news for us, comes up with new ideas to make our work even more interesting, and does legal research for us.